When a close friend or family member has endured a devastating natural disaster, he or she needs your support more than ever before. Whether they have been hit with a fire, storm or flood, your loved one will deal with aftereffects for months after the disaster happens. Here are three ways you can offer your support so your loved ones are taken care of during this trying time.

Host a Shower

Sometimes natural disasters take everything from their victims. People often lose all of their clothes, food, furniture and personal values to natural disasters. While you can’t replace sentimental items, you can relieve the burden on the victims by hosting disaster relief showers. It is a great way to rally your community to replace lost items. People can donate anything they have to the cause, and not only will the victims of the disaster be provided with necessities such as toiletries and clothes, but they will also feel the love and support of their communities.

Start a Fundraiser

While natural disaster victims need physical belongings, they often also need money to get back on their feet. You can help provide for this need by starting a fundraiser. There are many ways to do this so customize your fundraiser to meet your needs. Start an online campaign to gather donations from friends all over the country. If you want to localize your efforts, ask local businesses to donate products for a raffle. You can also hold a bake sale or a motorcycle rally.

Offer Shelter

If you have plenty of room in your home, offer your loved ones a place to stay until they get back on their feet. Some people prefer to have their own space while waiting for their home to be rebuilt or restored, but if the stay is short, you could foot the bill for a hotel room so they don’t have to worry about that expense. You could also offer shelter for pets even if your human friends have other accommodations lined up. Knowing their pets are safe will lift a huge burden from their shoulders.

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In times of natural disasters, communities rally to support victims. There is nothing you can say to make your loved ones feel better about everything they have lost, but your actions will highlight your love and support. Use these three actions to help your friends and family members recover after suffering a devastating disaster.