Whether you are designing a new home or looking to make a few changes to the one you have lived in for years, be sure to give some attention to your front yard. Not only is this what you and your guests will see day after day, but investing money in your home’s curb appeal will increase its value should you ever decide to sell it. Consider a few different ways you can help your home give a great first impression. 

1. Non-Traditional Walkways

Almost every house you drive past uses poured concrete to form its driveway and any additional walkways. What if you were to try something a bit different? You could consider incorporating concrete pavers into your design, for instance. These tile-like components can be interlocked or laid side-by-side and often come in a variety of shades and textures. Lining your driveway with these pavers, or using them for the path leading to your front door, would be a great way to add some interest to your front yard.

2. Lush Vegetation

It is hard to make a house look good if it stands completely alone. Even if you don’t have a lot of trees or other natural vegetation, it is essential that you bring in plants of some kind. Start by thinking about perennials. Many types of bushes, for instance, are hardy and will likely remain healthy for decades. Once you have some larger plants picked out, consider adding a couple more types of vegetation in front of them, being sure to vary the height of each one. If you have a tight budget, be sure to consider some more affordable landscaping methods.

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3. Water as an Accent

Although it can be a bit pricey, adding water of some kind can give a sense of serenity to your front yard. For example, you could create a small riverbed that runs parallel to your house. If you have limited space available, consider incorporating a small fountain into your vegetation.

4. A Pop of Color

A quick and inexpensive way to change up your home’s appearance is to add some accent colors to your front door or porch. You could do this by painting your front door a bright color or by hanging a simple wreath on your door.

If a person’s home is his or her castle, it is worthwhile to make your castle as charming as possible. No matter the size of your budget, you can add beauty to the front of your house with just a few simple adjustments.